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User Researcher — Former Big 4 global UX lead, with supervisory and leadership experience, I create ongoing revenue streams for clients by uncovering needs and gaps from data gathered in research. Very  articulate and fairly academic, I am a systems thinker, yet remaining extremely detail-oriented. Years of experience with digital products, editorial, investments, type 1 diabetes, I've been trained in research methods and journalism. Personally, I am approachable, with a quick and friendly sense of humor. My loves include shaping simple to use spaces, and helping people meet their needs. Me encanta ayudar a toda la gente.

A lifelong learner, I'm extremely adaptable, immersing myself into other cultures, geographically and societally via humility and an open mind. I seek to understand peoples' WHYs and motivations. Curiosity and flexibility is the backbone of good research and I'd say of design and innovation, also. Because of deep creativity, I quickly connect disparate observations and data analyses, and in so doing my work has led to substantial profitability and growth while meeting stakeholders' as well as end-users' needs.

With experience in and a deep passion for research and design in the healthcare and diabetes spaces, financial / professional services, all levels of education and training materials, as well as for mentoring others, I would love to help you with your next project!

Jennifer Frisbie

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