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Goal   My goal in any ethnography project or where I'll be using contextual inquiry is to understand the full scope of the project or issue I am researching, and as many perspectives as possible involved with that space.

Projects  Below, projects I've been involved with in a research, strategic and design role.

Diabetes: Raising Community Health Awareness

Working with the Diabetes Health Coalition in the Chicago neighborhood of Pilsen, we used 
many research methods to understand the diabetes space within this
heavily Hispanic neighborhood, and its very integrated family and community support systems.


Diabetes Support Groups

Beginning with Observing Users course at IIT's Institute of Design, I began observing
diabetes support groups. It's become a continuing research project and interest I have: learning

how people and families with diabetes cope with this condition in their lives.

Physicians: iPad Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Working with a partner from University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Business at Mayo Clinic,
we used contextual inquiry with physicians on rounds and with in-office patient visits,
watching for iPad use ideation in streamlining and improving patient interaction.


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